Home Technology Applications Five Ways to Encourage Critical Thinking with Wakelet

Five Ways to Encourage Critical Thinking with Wakelet

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If you haven’t heard of Wakelet yet, it is time to pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee (or a proper cup of tea), and find some time to探索!


Wakelet最常被教育者描述为免费,美丽和安全。Wakelet策划和保存任何web content into beautiful story collections. As a result, this means anything you’re already using in your classroom can be housed inside a Wakelet collection, which makes it easier for students to access.

Not only does Wakelet support the work of educators, but it also supports student learning. Curation skills support digital citizenship and information literacy initiatives in K-12 learning environments. Additionally, research proves students should enter into a college or career environment with problem-solving, critical thinking, and digital literacy skills. Wakelet empowers students with these very skills while supporting learning goals and redefining using technology for good.

How Wakelet Helps Educators

教育工作者通常问的第一个问题是:“How can Wakelet help me?说实话,Wakelet可以帮助解决教育者可能遇到的许多挑战。一旦找到了Wakelet凹槽,您就可以简化了很多!因此,Wakelet的力量仅受用户的想象力的限制。

Here are some implementation ideas for both educators and students that will encourage collaboration and critical thinking:

1. Discussion Boards

Share the collaboration link and use Wakelet as a后班,brainstorming,group project,或作为学生,父母或老师的问答。Exit ticketsor icebreakers will work for this idea also. Everyone can share their thoughts and ideas in a collaborative, dynamic, real-time, engaging, andunlimited收藏。


2. Lesson Plans

创造视觉吸引力和吸引人学生评价plans使用Wakelet。您还可以制定遵循您地区准则的课程计划(即5 E模型)或分享weekly planswith students, parents, and other team members while housing and organizing all lessons within the Wakelet platform.






利用Wakelet的另一种好方法是创建阅读清单为您的学生或升级,让学生创建阅读列表和评论学生帐户. With Wakelet’s built-in integrations, you could also add a Flipgrid video to your list or have students create Adobe Spark posters summarizing their reading. Another great idea is to use the column layout fordialectical journalsallowing students the autonomy to add as many columns as they need for reflection!

WakeletReading List

5. Create and Collaborate with Columns

Using Wakelet’scolumn布局,保持项目的顶部,选择板, weekly planners,期刊,替代计划,VENN图, and also create custom资源,合作和收藏!


30+ Ideas from Wakelet



总体而言,Wakelet对于教育工作者和学生来说是一种多功能工具,它将满足您学校社区中每个人的需求。如果您是新手,请务必去Wakelet和sign up for an account. Next, check out the网络研讨会时间表并注册大师班,以更加熟悉您可用的所有内容。


Tisha Poncio将共同展现哇哇!在TCEA 2022年。今年2月不要想念她!还没有注册吗?有still time.




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