Home BYOD Immersive, Accessible Classroom Technology Leads to Both Excitement and Expectation

Immersive, Accessible Classroom Technology Leads to Both Excitement and Expectation

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From the time students exit school at the end of the day, they begin connecting with the world. They are not limited to the walls of the classroom or the knowledge of the teacher. Students pick up their devices or their parent’s devices and know no boundaries to information access or engagement with their peers. As technology evolves in society, students, as a result, expect classrooms to evolve and reflect the world that they live in. We have already witnessed the evolution of the teacher from a sage on the stage, presenting with a TV, to an exciting learning facilitator who delivers immersive experiences via classroom-connected devices.


We watched the excitement of touch boards in the classroom fade into an everyday expectation. Now when students see a screen in the front of their classroom, they expect to touch it and navigate with their fingertips in much the same way they interact with their devices at home. Excitement is now centered around the multifunctionality of the device. The power of the device submerges students into their learning, subsequently making it easier, faster, and more engaging. This evolution on the interactive front of the classroom device, or classroom hub, is changing to reflect how students interact with their daily world.

classroom technology interactive whiteboard

Excitement about Access to Cloud Platforms, Applications, and Tools


The excitement that is emerging lies within the tools that drive creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. Students want to have multiple windows open at one time while working through a project with their peers. They want access to applications that allow them to decide how to showcase their work. The world is full of problems that need to be solved. Therefore, students need access to everyday tools that will help them learn how to navigate it.


This leads us to our next expectation, and that isequity。学生期望拥有与其他学校同龄人相同的公平学习经验。例如,他们希望在互联网上进行小组研究,观看YouTube视频作为课程,或使用计算机实验室和文字处理器创建报告。人们对通过一对一设备进行个性化访问有着兴奋。学生正在成为他们学习的设计师和创新者。现在,他们可以访问基于云的应用程序,其中创建了视频,而不仅仅是观看。研究不再限于网络搜索。增强现实和虚拟现实可以复制现实世界,因此使学生能够体验他们的研究。


Excitement about Innovation and Collaboration Using Classroom Technology


Excitement Turns to Expectation

技术工具成为日常期望并不是一件坏事。这意味着教师已成功将这些工具整合到他们的教室中。因此,如果您的课堂技术已经成为日常的期望,并且您正在寻求激发您的学生new engaging ways,让周围的世界成为您的向导。



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